viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Est-ce que tu ne m'aimes plus, ma Carmen?

Lolita is gone. Nowhere to be seen, Humbert looks for her like crazy. He misses her terribly and everywhere he goes or looks he sees Lolita. Some years passed and he never quite gives up. I believe that Lolita has taken complete control on Humbert’s life. Even if he’s not saying her name out loud, he repeats it in his mind 24/7. I don’t know where Lolita is, or we’ll she’ll be. The thing is Humbert has stopped his life and can’t go on without her. I guess he’s the one that can actually use the phrase “I can’t live without you” and actually mean it. I always thought this was stupid and it just makes me sad that Humbert, a talented man, is wasting his life on a little girl who’s probably having fun with random guys in bed. Lolita must be living the life she always wanted. A free life, shouldn’t Humbert be happy for her? 

viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

My own ultraviolet darling.

My fellow readers, I have to admit I was getting tired of Humbert and Lolita on my last post. But now that feeling is gone, the book had a turn now. An unexpected turn in which Lolita is the one taking over. She decided she wanted to quit her school and start the adventure all over again, but this time she would choose every destination. Humbert of course accepted. The situation has now changed, Lolita has realized that she can control the situation and she did it, Lolita has a new puppy and that's Humbert. She's just smart and amazing, she's getting older and she has changed. She's a manipulative girl and knows exactly what to do to get whatever she wants. Humbert might think he's still in control, but that's just him lying and believing his own lies. There's nothing like Lolita's moves to control him, he's completely in love with her and he'll do whatever  to please her. Lolita's finally using that in her favor.

Image 1 - 5th Post