viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Please, leave me alone, will you?

My fellow readers, as far as I’m going through the book I’ve founded myself fearing that Humbert and Lolita’s life is no longer an adventure as it all started and it’s getting a bit monotonous. I'd hate to feel bored about them or not like them as much as I used to while I was reading the first chapers. They have finally reached a point where they stopped travelling and found a house to stay and live as a father and a daughter. Lolita is no longer that little girl I remember, that joyful and skillful young lady. Lolita has become a bit annoying and irritating. But she’s not the problem here; Humbert is an obsessive pig that has caused this annoying behavior on Lolita. I believe the real problem behind Lolita’s life is Humbert and I don’t think she really sees it. I believe that Lolita and Humbert’s future is impossible and I’m sure it will terrible. I hate Humbert, I went from liking him and right now I’m just tired of his sick obsession. I wished he could just stop saying the word nymphet and obsessing over Lolita. All I want is Lolita's freedom, that's all I really want right now. I want to know how would she act if things where different. If her mom was alive and she was a better person.

3 comentarios:

  1. I'm so sorry to see you've grown to hate Humbert. His obsession only comes forth from a deep and profound love. A love that is way purer than Romeo ever felt for Juliet. And the inevitable end that you're nearing is hanging in the air. And both Lolita as Humbert feel this end chasing them. You're experiencing the same melancholy feelings Lolita has, once she loved Humbert, and who wouldn't but you need to look past the simple longing for joy and start to see that it's all based on such a strong love. It broke my heart that Lolita grew to dislike Humbert. He tried so hard, was willing to do everything to get with his Lolita. I'm looking forward to read what you think about the ending, and what you'll do after you finished the book. Have Humbert and Lolita changed you look at life? Or have they changed you're perspective on these so called nymphets?

    1. Excited to know I have such an amazing reader like you! Well, let me tell you my hate for Humbert has passed. He tries so hard and I was acting like a complete Lolita saying he's an old and annoying man. I don't think it has changed my perspective at all, I just got tired for a bit. Now my interest is back and I'm enjoying this new adventure leaded by Lolita. You'll know on my next post! Keep reading! Thank you!

  2. oh i'm definitely a fan of your blog!! i myself had/have the humbert syndrome, and i've grown very attached to lolita. i've read the book in a few days and i found myself thinking about her many times, i recently also bought "lo's diary" and i've been listening to music that has been written about her. and i love to hear other readers express their feeling or thoughts on her.
